Auto-Associate External Accounts by Waindigo 1.1.0

Removes the requirement to enter a password when logging in with an external account for first time.

  1. Compatible XF Versions:
    • 1.0
    • 1.1
    • 1.2
    • 1.3
    • 1.4
    Updates Duration:
    An active subscription is required to access premium features
    Additional Requirements:
    Install and Upgrade by Waindigo required for premium features
    External Accounts Extended required for premium features
    Visible Branding:
    Yes, but removable with payment
    This add-on removes the requirement to enter a password when logging in with an external account for the first time.

    If a user clicks the 'Login with XXX' button and already has an account on your site with a matching email address, the account will log in without any hassle and a link to the external account will be created.

    Premium features require External Accounts Extended to be installed, which is a paid add-on provided by a third party for which we accept no responsibility. Future changes to how any of the above add-ons/external sites works may affect the ability of this add-on to work.
    Related Resources:
    Install and Upgrade by Waindigo