Shorter Routes by Waindigo 1.0.1

Replaces /forums/title.123/ and /threads/title.123/ links with /title.f123/ and /title.t123/ links.

  1. Compatible XF Versions:
    • 1.2
    • 1.3
    • 1.4
    Updates Duration:
    An active subscription is required to access premium features
    Visible Branding:
    Yes, but removable with payment
    This add-on replaces the standard forums and threads routes with shorter routes. This has the potential to optimise your search engine rankings by having important keywords closer to your domain name.

    A link to a forum that would usually look like this:
    would be replaced with:

    A link to a thread that would usually look like this:
    would be replaced with:

    Existing forum and thread links will automatically redirect to the new links and all other links on your site will automatically be updated to the new links, including sitemap links.
    Related Resources:
    Install and Upgrade by Waindigo