Forums & Threads
- XenForo Tips and Guides 0
- Developer Tools 12
- Add-ons 345
- New Applications 22
- Media Gallery 1
- Resource Manager 17
- Bridges & Integrations 11
- Forums & Threads 66
- Conversations 4
- Messages 22
- Users & Profiles 59
- BB Code 13
- Admin Tools 35
- Moderator Tools 24
- Styling & Interface 24
- Sidebar 4
- Navigation 16
- Other Add-ons 27
- Add-on Tips and Guides 0
- Importers 4
- Redirection Scripts 1
- Code Modifications 0
- Development Tutorials 0
- Styles 6
- Template Modifications 0
- Graphics 12
- Translations 24
- Other Resources 12
Top Resources
Post Titles by Waindigo
Jon W
Add titles to posts, including new sidebar in threads to easily navigate to posts by title.
Live Threads by Waindigo
Jon W
Create "live" threads that automatically update with new posts without having to refresh.
Create Thread from Forum List by Waindigo
Jon W
Adds a Post New Thread button to your forum list, allowing you to quickly select a forum to post in.
Metadata by Waindigo
Jon W
Tools for adding metadata to your threads and resources, and alt tags to your images.
Thread Events by Waindigo
Jon W
Create events in your threads. Supports Calendar by Waindigo and Google Calendar API by Waindigo.