Future Permissions by Waindigo 1.0.0

Adds the ability to check permissions at a future date based on upgrades that are due to expire.

  1. Compatible XF Versions:
    • 1.2
    • 1.3
    • 1.4
    Updates Duration:
    An active subscription is required to access premium features
    Visible Branding:
    Yes, but removable with payment
    This add-on adds the ability for other add-ons to check permissions at a future date, taking into account any user upgrades that are due to expire prior to that future date.

    For example, in conjunction with this add-on, the Resource Events by Waindigo add-on allows you to remove the permission to RSVP to an event if that permission is only available through a user upgrade that will expire before the event occurs.

    After installing for the first time, you will need to rebuild user caches in order for this to take into account existing user upgrades. This can be done by going to:
    Admin Control Panel -> Tools -> Rebuild Caches -> Rebuild User Caches
    Related Resources:
    Resource Events by Waindigo
    Thread Events by Waindigo
    Install and Upgrade by Waindigo