Premium by Waindigo 1.0.3

Unlock the premium features of your Waindigo add-ons, including branding removal.

  1. Compatible XF Versions:
    • 1.2
    • 1.3
    • 1.4
    Updates Duration:
    An active subscription is required to access premium features
    Visible Branding:
    Yes, but removable with payment
    For users who have subscribed at waindigo, installing this add-on automatically unlocks premium features, including branding removal.

    Note: this add-on does not count towards the number of add-ons installed when you are working out which subscription to purchase.

    This add-on is an alternative to Install and Upgrade by Waindigo, for those users who do not wish to have that add-on installed. If you already have Install and Upgrade by Waindigo installed, you do not need to install this add-on.

    This add-on calls back to waindigo servers in almost exactly the same way as the Install and Upgrade by Waindigo add-on.

    The following information will be periodically sent to the Waindigo servers: a list of your Waindigo add-ons, options relating directly to this add-on, current XenForo version, current language, debug mode flag, member count (optional) and board URL.
    Related Resources:
    Install and Upgrade by Waindigo